About Us
Master limited partnerships (MLPs) are currently an integral way our nation’s private sector finances the infrastructure needed to fully utilize newly discovered domestic energy resources – leading to greater energy independence for the United States – and to ensure that a wide variety of energy products make their way efficiently and safely from the production fields to American homes, businesses and communities.
MLPs are limited partnerships or limited liability companies (LLCs) choosing partnership taxation traded on public exchanges. A share in an MLP is called a “unit,” and MLP shareholders are known as “unitholders.” MLPs can be found on the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ Stock Market, as well as many regional exchanges. They combine the affordability and liquidity of corporate stocks and bonds with the advantages of investing in a partnership. MLPs generally pay investors regular cash distributions, and many offer growth potential.
There are over 100 MLPs on the market – the majority of which are in industries related to natural resources and the construction of energy infrastructure. For more information on MLPs, visit our MLP 101 page.
Current Members

• Master Limited Partnerships
• Service Company Members
• Associate Members
• Industry Partners
Executive Director

MLPA is managed by Lori Ziebart, its Executive Director. As Executive Director, Ms. Ziebart leads and manages MLPA’s operations and outreach activities with policymakers and the investment community to communicate the significant value master limited partnerships (“MLPs”) contribute to the U.S. economy.
Board of Directors
MLPA Officers and Committee Chairs
Chairman of the Board & Executive Committee Chair
Committee Chairs
Executive Committee
Federal Affairs Committee
Regulatory Committee
State Affairs Committee
Public/Investor Relations Committee
300 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 747-6570